Stud List

Burmese Stud List

Every care has been taken to ensure that the information given in this list is accurate. Premises are open to inspection by appointment with the owner, & owners are advised to inspect the premises before taking queens. Entry in the stud list does not imply endorsement by the Burmese Cat Club and no responsibility can be taken by the club for the accuracy of the information contained.

Any complaints, in writing, should be referred to the Burmese Cat Club. Complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Stud fees should be offered in advance. Fees are paid for service and not for results. In the event of the queen not becoming pregnant many stud owners will offer the courtesy of a free repeat mating, but this must be regarded as a privilege and not as a right.

Stud fees, which are often subject to regular review, are not listed.  Queen owners are advised to apply to stud owners direct for details of their fees.

The Burmese Cat Club retains the right to refuse or delete any entry to this list without giving a reason.

All studs in this list have been tested for Hypokalaemia or can prove their Hypokalaemia status. You are advised to check the International Cat Care (formerly FAB) genetic database when making enquiries about using a stud. Please note that a stud will not need to be tested if both parents are ‘normal’ so you should also check their status.

The genetic test for Hypokalaemia has now been announced and is available to members at a discounted rate. Please contact Mrs Carolyn Kempe –  for the code needed to claim your discount.

Application for entry to list

To apply please download the Stud List Application Form. Please ensure that you notify us of any changes, i.e. stud gaining a title, change of telephone number or email etc. We also advise you to read the Burmese Keeping a Stud Guidelines.

Please note that there is an annual charge of £10 for this service. This payment will also cover an entry on the Breeder’s Directory. Please send your payment to Olga Walker, 11 Bayham Road, Morden, London. SM4 5JH Email: Payment may also be made by Electronic Bank Transfer.

Breeders who wish to place their cats on the stud list should ensure that they have signed The Burmese Cat Club breeders application form before doing so.

Breeders application form

Burmese stud list application form

Colour Mating Chart

SurreyImperial Gr Ch Jax Sparrow
Fiona Rodwell
Tel 07796770430
Fiona RodwellGirls must be on the active register or registered active with another bone fide organisation.
Snap tested for FelV/FIV.
All male kittens must be registered on the non active register.
Jax Sparrow pedigree
SurreyCh K Whitchit-Verismo Luearlbelle Mrs Muriel Brininger
Karriewhitchit Burmese
Tel 01483 267538
Muriel BriningerAvailable to suitable queens on Active Register or registered with another bona fide organisation
Snap test required FeLV/FIV
Male progeny to be registered on Non-Active Register (unless prior written consent is given)
BerkshireKarriewhitchit Typha-LoverHayley Stevens and Robert Ford
Berkshire Burmese
Muriel BriningerAvailable to suitable queens on Active Register or registered with another bona fide organisation
Full vaccinations up to date. All progeny to be registered on Non-Active Register (unless prior written consent is given)
Lover- Pedigree certificate
SurreyGr. Ch. Sykris Taylor Made
Carries Blue
Kym Jarvis
Kymian Burmese
Tel 01306 713152
Chris BoneAt stud to FeLV/FIV tested queens on GCCF active register, and hypokalaemia testedIGC Sykris Taylor Made
BedfordshireGr Ch Vintarn Dynasty By Design
Carries Blue
Gr Ch Vintarn Dynasty by Design
Michele Garrod
01582 665343
Christine StalkerAvailable to suitable queens on the active register or registered active with another bona fide organisation.
Snap test required for FeLV/FIV.
Male progeny to be registered on Non-Active register (unless prior written consent is given)
Vintarn Dynasty by Design
DevonCh Xchardi Kennbury FrankelMrs Claire Lovell
Kennbury Burmese
Tel 01392 833341
Mrs D BuntingAt stud to FeLV/FIV tested queens on GCCF active register. All matings fully supervised. All male progeny to be registered on GCCF non-active register except by prior arrangement.
Derry, Northern IrelandBrownleaze Neville-LongbottomCaren Thain
Ballintoy Burmese
Tel: 07790 015701
Ms V J lewisQueens must be on the active register or registered active with another bone fide organisation.
Snap tested for FelV/FIV.
All male kittens must be registered on the non active register.
Queens welcome to stay for a week or more
Brownleaze Neville Longbottom
SurreyCh Adurtbu Mnd-OberonKym Jarvis
Kymian Burmese
Tel 01306 713152
Penny MordauntAt stud to FeLV/FIV tested queens on GCCF active register, and hypokalaemia testedCH Adurtbu Mnd-Oberon
SurreyPenwynkatz Dizzy Rascal
Fiona Rodwell
Tel 07796770430
Mrs P A PallisterGirls must be on the active register or registered active with another bone fide organisation.
Snap tested for FelV/FIV.
All male kittens must be registered on the non active register.
Penwynkats Dizzy Rascal
DevonAbrams Kennbury DandinoMrs Claire Lovell
Kennbury Burmese
Tel 01392 833341
Jenny RozarioAt stud to FeLV/FIV tested queens on GCCF active register. All matings fully supervised. All male progeny to be registered on GCCF non-active register except by prior arrangement.Abrams Kennbury Dandino
SurreyGr Ch Karriewhitchit Clan Guthrie
Mrs Muriel Brininger
Karriewhitchit Burmese
Tel 01483 267538
Mrs Muriel Brininger
Available to suitable queens on Active Register or registered with another bona fide organisation
Snap test required FeLV/FIV
Male progeny to be registered on Non-Active Register (unless prior written consent is given)
CH Karriewhitchit Clan Guthrie 1
HampshireCh. Trishenlisas Vincent VegaMr Geoffrey Gale
Galeen Burmese
Tel 07976 557912
Trish Edwards and Lisa Millingon
Available to suitable queens on Active Register or registered with another bona fide organisation
Snap test required FeLV/FIV
All male progeny to be registered on GCCF non-active register except by prior written agreement
SurreyOakenshield Bugsy Malone
Carries Blue
Kym Jarvis
Kymian Burmese
Tel 01306 713152
Carolyn KempeAll kittens to be GCCF registered, all males on non-active register. Queens must be tested FIV/FeLV negative, hypokalaemia status requiredCH Oakenshield Bugsy Malone
LincolnshireAlba Regia Marci Pan (IMP)
Blue based carrying chocolate
John and Sandra Underwood
Tel: 01522 884682
Judith Toth
Alba Regia (Hungary)
At stud to suitable queens on the GCCF or Fife Active Register. All male kittens to be registered on the GCCF
or Fife non-active register unless prior written consent is given.
Marci 5 Gen GCCF Pedigree(1)