Resources for Breeders

Breeding Policy

All registered breeders are required to adhere to the code of ethics. Please click here for the full policy.

EMS Colours

For a full list of the EMS colours please click here.

Colour mating chart

If you’re thinkong of breeding and want to know the outcome of a potential mating you can use our colour mating chart to enter the Sire and Dam’s details and get an idea fo what colours you can expect. Please click here.

Leaflets For New Kitten Owners

By popular demand we’ve designed a flyer for you to give to new kitten owners. It gives a brief overview of the Burmese Cat Club, the benefits of joining and supporting our club and how to join.

You can either forward them the link to the flyer by email by clicking, copying and pasting this link Join The Burmese Cat Club or you can download and print the flyer and add it to your kitten pack.

Genetic Testing – Hypokalaemia

Hypokalaemia is a serious genetic disorder. We promote genetic testing to ensure that this disease is not spread. You can read more about Hypokaelmia here and find contact details for our Hon Secretary who can give you a discount code should you wish to carry out a test.