Rehome Story

Max finds a new home thanks to the benevolent fund.

Sometimes for whatever reason things don’t work out and cats just don’t get on. This can lead to a very difficult decision being made on behalf on the owner. Recently Leonie had exactly this issue and she came to us for help. We did our upmost to help her at this difficult time, finding a new home for Max. Here’s a thank you letter she sent to the club.
This is a long overdue “thank you” for your help rehoming one of our cats last November.
We were having problems with one of them (Max) bullying his brother (Monty) and both of them spraying freely all over the house and regularly fighting. We’d tried everything to change the situation (animal behaviourist visit included).  However, it was with great regret that we took the decision to separate them by having one of them rehomed.
You responded to my enquiry immediately and were very sympathetic. By referring me to Kym Jarvis you couldn’t have recommended a better person to handle the separation so sensitively. She kept in touch with me to let me know how the adoption process was going and I was delighted to learn that Max had finally found a good home with a veterinary nurse just before Christmas.
I’ve thanked Kym but I’d also like to thank you for helping us with the impossible situation we found ourselves in. It was heartbreaking to give up one of our boys but we really didn’t have any choice. The situation here now with Monty on his own is so much better. He missed Max at first but he now rules the roost with no competition from any other creature and is a much, much happier cat.
Many thanks again.
Leonie Chalker
Your donations to the benevolent fund help to make the difference to Burmese cats in need. You can donate here.