70th Burmese Cat Club Anniversary Photo Competition
There is a photo competition for our members who don’t show. All the photos will be displayed at the show, and the winner will be chosen at the event. Georgina will coordinate the event. You can email your submissions to her clearly marked BCC Platinum Anniversary Show Photo Competition, with the category/s you want to … Continued
Last few days to enter the annual show!
Just a quick reminder that entries are open for the Burmese Cat Club and S&SCA shows on 14th March but closing date is this Friday 28th February.
Information about Cat TB
The University of Edinburgh are currently investigating a cluster of tuberculosis (TB) infections in cats that may be linked to a certain type of raw pet food. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria and is spread between people and animals primarily through coughs and sneezes or through open skin wounds. There are several species of bacteria that … Continued
Patsy Yardley – a tribute
It is with great sadness I inform you all of the death of Patsy Yardley, a good friend and long-term lover of Burmese cats.
Diabetes in Burmese cats – can we blame the genes?
We would be most grateful to all owners of Burmese cats who would be willing to participate in our research by filling in the online health survey.
Notice about oestrus control
Megestrol capsules 1.25mg are now in stock at Vetmedic. You will need a prescription from your vet first. They have a 3 month shelf life and price works out at roughly £4.50 per capsule. Read more information here.
Free wellness check
For Burmese, Siamese and Domestic Shorthair Cats in partnership with the Royal Veterinary College in London.