
Join us for our first ever online show!


Merlin, Frodo & Pi find a new home

Jane, our Assistant Welfare Officer, took the trio to board with her early in the year because their owner was very sadly no longer able to care for them. Jane handed them over to their new home just as lockdown was starting (a furtive drive along the A52!), and it has been a good time … Continued

Rehome Story

Max finds a new home thanks to the help of the Burmese Cat Club benevolent fund.

Committee Election

Members, at the end of their three year term of office three members are standing for re-election so we are asking if any of our members may wish to stand for committee member or delegate positions.

Information about Cat TB

The University of Edinburgh are currently investigating a cluster of tuberculosis (TB) infections in cats that may be linked to a certain type of raw pet food. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria and is spread between people and animals primarily through coughs and sneezes or through open skin wounds. There are several species of bacteria that … Continued